Learn more about Essential Oil Safety

All information contained within this site is for referance purposes only and are not intended to substitute the advice given by a physician, or any other licensed healthcare profeeional. LA Designz products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or desease.

Essential Oil Application Therapy on the Skin

General safety guidelines include: avoid application of known dermal irritant essential oils on any inflammatory or allergic skin condition; avoid undiluted application; avoid application on open or damaged skin; and dilute known dermal irritants with appropriate vegetable oil or other carrier. If you suspect your or a client has sensitive skin, perform a skin patch test. Table 1 lists some, but not all, common essential oils considered to be dermal irritants.

Dermal Irritants (Table 1)

Essential Oil

Latin Name


Pimento racemosa

Cinnamon bark or leaf

Cinnamomum zeylanicum*

Clove bud

Syzygium aromaticum


Cymbopogon nardus


Cuminum cyminum


Cymbopogon citratus

Lemon verbena

Lippia citriodora


Origanum vulgare


Tagetes minuta

Thyme ct. thymol

Thymus vulgaris

*bark is more irritating than leaf

Dermal sensitization

Dermal sensitization is a type of allergic reaction. It occurs on first exposure to a substance, but on this occasion, the noticeable effect on the skin will be slight or absent. However, subsequent exposure to the same material, or to a similar one with which there is cross-sensitization, produces a severe inflammatory reaction brought about by cells of the immune system (T-lymphocytes).7 The reaction will be represented on the skin as blotchy or redness, which may be painful to some individuals.


All information contained within this site is for referance purposes only and are not intended to substitute the advice given by a pharmacist,physician, or any other licensed health-care professional. LA Designz products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

Never use an essential oil undiluted unless advised by your health care provider and certified aromatherapist. Keep essential oils away from infants, children, and all pets.

While some of LA Designz essential oils are mediacal food grade, we do not advise the use of essential oils for internal use unless they are prescibed by your health care provider and certified aromatherapist. Only your health care provider abd certified aromatherapist can prescribe the proper dosage and usage. Please check with your health care professional and certified aromatherapist before ingesting any essential oils.

Learn more about Essential Oil Safety.

The best way to prevent sensitization is to avoid known dermal sensitizers and avoid applying the same essential oils every day for lengthy periods of time. Sensitization is, to an extent, unpredictable, as some individuals will be sensitive to a potential allergen and some will not.8

According to Burfield (2004), the following oils listed in Table 2 are considered to be dermal sensitizers and are not recommended for use in aromatherapy massage.

Dermal Sensitizers (Table 2)

Essential Oil

Latin Name


Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon bark

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Peru balsam

Myroxylon pereirae

Verbena absolute

Lippia citriodora

Tea absolute

Camellia sinensis

Turpentine oil

Pinus spp.


Backhousia citriodora


Inula graveolens

Oxidized (rancid) oils from Pinaceae family (e.g., Pinus and Cupressus species) and Rutaceae family (e.g., citrus oils)


The best way to prevent sensitization is to avoid known dermal sensitizers and avoid applying the same essential oils every day for lengthy periods of time. Sensitization is, to an extent, unpredictable, as some individuals will be sensitive to a potential allergen and some will not.8

According to Burfield (2004), the following oils listed in Table 2 are considered to be dermal sensitizers and are not recommended for use in aromatherapy massage.

Dermal Sensitizers (Table 2)

Essential Oil

Latin Name


Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon bark

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Peru balsam

Myroxylon pereirae

Verbena absolute

Lippia citriodora

Tea absolute

Camellia sinensis

Turpentine oil

Pinus spp.


Backhousia citriodora


Inula graveolens

Oxidized (rancid) oils from Pinaceae family (e.g., Pinus and Cupressus species) and Rutaceae family (e.g., citrus oils)


The best way to prevent sensitization is to avoid known dermal sensitizers and avoid applying the same essential oils every day for lengthy periods of time. Sensitization is, to an extent, unpredictable, as some individuals will be sensitive to a potential allergen and some will not.8

According to Burfield (2004), the following oils listed in Table 2 are considered to be dermal sensitizers and are not recommended for use in aromatherapy massage.

Dermal Sensitizers (Table 2)

Essential Oil

Latin Name


Cinnamomum cassia

The best way to prevent sensitization is to avoid known dermal sensitizers and avoid applying the same essential oils every day for lengthy periods of time. Sensitization is, to an extent, unpredictable, as some individuals will be sensitive to a potential allergen and some will not.8

According to Burfield (2004), the following oils listed in Table 2 are considered to be dermal sensitizers and are not recommended for use in aromatherapy massage.

Dermal Sensitizers (Table 2)