Health and Wellness

Our Life Transformation Health and Wellness System is a raw organic detox system formulated to nutrolize a lot of things living in your gut wall that realisticly are living in an "Acidic" envirornment.
What you eat can have a big effect on inflammation in the body.
To much inflammation in the body can cause problems with the Immune System.
Here are some health concerns which suggest that your Lymphatic System requirses a serious cleansing:

*Arthritis                          *Asthma
*Crohn's disease            *Chronic Fatique
*Digestive Disorders     *Eczma
*Excess Weight              *Frequent Headaches
*skin conditions

just to name a few. A healthy and fuctional Lymphatic System is vital for good health.


All information contained within this site is for referance purposes only and are not intended to substitute the advice given by a pharmacist, physician, or any other licensed health-care professional. LA Designz products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

Never use an essential oil undiluted unless advised by your health care provider and certified aromatherapist. Keep essential oils away from infants, children, and all pets.

While some of LA Designz essential oils are mediacal food grade, we do not advise the use of essential oils for internal use unless they are prescibed by your health care provider and certified aromatherapist. Only your health care provider abd certified aromatherapist can prescribe the proper dosage and usage. Please check with your health care professional and certified aromatherapist before ingesting any essential oils.

Learn more about Essential Oil Safety.